Why is everyone getting married? Seriously. That's an honest question. So many of my peers are engaged, getting married, going to be getting engaged. It makes my head spin!
Now, don't get me wrong; I love love and I think it's a beautiful thing when it's genuine. But marriage is a BIG DEAL!
There is no going back, that is a commitment you make, and if you ever do want out, get ready for the mud-flinging wars to begin!
I see my friends using marriage as a tool. They can't do the things they want to do, live in their dream home, drive their dream car, have legitimate babies, until all of the papers are signed and the rings are on.
I'm doing it on my own.
Yes, all by myself.
*I will not depend on someone else to give me the things I want. *
I just signed the lease to my first apartment and I start moving this weekend. I won't wait around for a guy to buy me pretty jewelry, so I bought it myself. (oh how I love my new garnet ring :)
I don't even get upset over people letting me down anymore. I have come to accept it. I have come to prefer being alone.
Anyways, I'm super stoked for my new home. It will be my first time on my own! I am in the middle of buying furniture, appliances and all that jazz right now, so for now I leave you with this.