Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Well, I have been inspired  by a fellow blogger, and added music to my page! (thank you OceanDreams:) So I do hope you enjoy a glimpse into my music library. 
Clarity's tip of the day: buy some new shampoo. It's incredible what a new scent can do to uplift your senses. This worked well for me today, try it sometime!

1 comment:

Sierra said...

Nice tunes and glad I inspired you. :) I agree with the shampoo or any scents for that matter...I recently bought a huge candle and usually light it after I get home and it makes a huge difference in my mood. I also put a CD player in my bathroom so when I take a bath I get a few tunes! :) Thanks for the compliment on my journal...I had fun! Hope you have a lovely evening.