Friday, July 3, 2009

It has been WAY too long

So it's about time I got back to writing again! Life is just so busy sometimes, that I forget to slow down and do things that make me happy, like blogging :)

I am officially over the gym. While I think excersizing for health is wonderful and necessary, I am no longer worried about looking like the unrealistic airbrushed women who dominate our society. I am me. And I like that.

Much to do today, I am just getting over the flu, and laying in bed for four days straight has made me restless! So it's off to run some errands, and possibly bake something delishious and summer-ish.

Have a fantastic Friday!

1 comment:

Sierra said...

I am super super happy for you love! Glad you found that man in your life and hope you two enjoy this 4th of July weekend!

Bravo too on the weight conclusion - I agree and there is WAY to much pressure out there. You are beautiful just being you.

Hope you feel better soon! Glad you updated your blog - looks lovely.