Monday, May 31, 2010

D.I.Y. Goddess....NOT

It's been a week long procrastination.
Putting curtains up in my kitchen.
I had everything I needed, curtains, curtain rods, and my ever ready hot pink tool box.
Finally, this morning, I decided it was time to get serious and put them up.
Placed the attachments on the walls, ironed the curtains, got them positioned on the rods, climbed up on a chair to hang them and......FAIL.
The rod collapsed in the middle.
Not long enough.
"How can this be? I measured the window before I went to the store." I thought to myself.
So I re-measured the window.
No no no. That can't be right. it was definitely on 36" when I measured.
Then the light bulb went off in my brilliant head, and I realized I had measured the OTHER window.
Apparently they are two significantly different widths, although i would have never noticed (or think to measure both.)
So, here I sit in my kitchen, thoroughly annoyed with myself, with one cute window, and one ghetto window.
There are now two instances where I wish I had a better half- brushing snow off my car at 7AM, and curtain hanging issues.
Happy Memorial Day<3

Sunday, May 23, 2010

A Steady Diet Of Pain Pills...

Oh where to begin.
About a week and a half ago, my wrists started hurting.
Thought I was crazy.
Then my knees, ankles, fingers.....
Every joint in my body (except my elbows) killed.

Since my job requires dexterity, and i couldn't even hold a pen to save my life, I had to take some time off.
The morning I realized I couldn't hook Abby's leash onto her collar, I knew something was beyond wrong.
Off to the doctor I went.

Six tubes of blood later I was told that I was more-less making myself sick.
My body had alarmingly low amounts of Vitamin D, and I'm anemic.
I have been a vegetarian for almost a year, but I haven't been doing it right.
(Apparently pasta, salad, oreos and beer aren't a sufficient diet.)
I had a low grade infection, and was doing the best I could to fight it off, but my defenses were very weak.

Well, my MOTHER had it.
She threatened to move me back home,
(Yes, actually call my landlord and tell them I was unemployed so they'd evict me, and show up at the door in a Uhaul. Picture that.)
I did move back home temporarily. I camped out on the couch, and Abby was taken care of by my fam. I could. not. move.

So, I'm very thankful that I have such an awesome no-nonsense family, who will take care of me even when I insist I'm fine. They know better, and know how stubborn I am.

My mom sat me down at the kitchen table, and we started small.
She had me pick out my choice of sushi, (lobster rolls) and I had one.
Next night, she made me a sandwich with crusty Italian bread, and a little bit of rotisserie chicken.
Next night she gave me a little bit of pork chop that was so smothered in sauce, I couldn't taste much else.

Funny thing is, I stared to feel a lot better, and at this point I'm back at my place feeling better than I have in a while. Still not 100%, but definitely self-sufficient.

So it looks like I'm no longer a veg-head. I'm def. picky about what I eat now, but I see that I'm not invincible. I have to take care of myself.

More updates to come...

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Today America Is Up In Arms About...

Follow the link, and you will see why my coffee flew out of my mouth at 7 AM today.

So, they're 8 years old, they are performing in their dance recital. Not that anyone cares, but what is my take on these shenanigans?

I think these girls worked really hard, all year to perfect a dance that made them feel (and look) like big girls. Good for them.
Their parents, and choreographers on the other hand. Serious issues there.

Why any parent would encourage their daughter to wear a barely-there outfit and "dance" the way they did is beyond me.
Maybe I'm a little old school, but [i thought] dance recitals involved awful red lipstick , tap shoes with big goofy bows, freaking out that you cant wear undies, and actual talent.

Outside of some nice turns, these girls were really just air-grinding. Nothing remarkable.

Wonder what they charge for lessons.....

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Every Have One of Those Days....

...where the words and conversations spoken are exhausting to the point that you just check out? Yeah. I'm there.
I'm just tired of certain places and situations.
I hear the same complaints every day.
My mind just ends up leaving the building, and going anywhere else. I think it's a strange survival tactic my psyche makes up. It works.
However, I'm not one to complain and claim hopelessness.
I have big plans.
And then I have bigger plans.
Nothing is forever if you don't want it to be.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Dinner Of Champions

Just have to say, my Saturday night is pretty much complete after pizza and coors light <3

Me and Abby ran away to my parents house for the weekend, I was able to just sleep, crash, and recharge. MUCH needed. It was great to spend a few days with everyone, and curled up on the couch with the kids watching the Yanks was pretty sweet.