It's been a week long procrastination.
Putting curtains up in my kitchen.
I had everything I needed, curtains, curtain rods, and my ever ready hot pink tool box.
Finally, this morning, I decided it was time to get serious and put them up.
Placed the attachments on the walls, ironed the curtains, got them positioned on the rods, climbed up on a chair to hang them and......FAIL.
The rod collapsed in the middle.
Not long enough.
"How can this be? I measured the window before I went to the store." I thought to myself.
So I re-measured the window.
No no no. That can't be right. it was definitely on 36" when I measured.
Then the light bulb went off in my brilliant head, and I realized I had measured the OTHER window.
Apparently they are two significantly different widths, although i would have never noticed (or think to measure both.)
So, here I sit in my kitchen, thoroughly annoyed with myself, with one cute window, and one ghetto window.
There are now two instances where I wish I had a better half- brushing snow off my car at 7AM, and curtain hanging issues.
Happy Memorial Day<3
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