Love today. It's Wednesday, which means I get to sleep in and enjoy life the way I want. It's raining, and I'm happy when it's nasty out. Strange, I know.
So many updates on life.
I have a new job. I love it SO much. My bosses and co-workers are amazing. I don't wake up dreading my days anymore. I don't have to sit and listen to the same impossible complaints without solutions. I don't have to endure an endless mental beating, and catty digs. I am not made to feel inadequate and useless.
Instead, I laugh, and joke, and can talk to people without fear of "saying the wrong thing" . I am constantly thanked for a job well done, and truly appreciated, even though I still don't know everything, and still make plenty of mistakes. I talk to my patients with ease, I want to do well, I want to be a part of a team and invest in them, because I truly enjoy being there.
This is the first "Big Girl" job where I can honestly see myself putting down roots and calling home.
I really lucked out.
Abby turns one in a couple weeks! She is getting so big, and is turning that corner where she is no longer my naughty little puppy. I already miss it. (sort of...)
My home is pretty much complete. It took a year of slowly adding things, and bringing the details together, but when I walk through the front door I feel like I'm home, and it's really great.
My life is amazing, and it still seems unreal sometimes how much it's turned around over the past few years. With summer on it's way out the door, and fall rapidly approaching, it brings back memories of October 2007.
But this is the first year I don't feel that crushing remembrance about it.
This is the first time I see it as the beginning of the end.
I hit rock bottom so that I could climb my way out, and into something infinitely better than I could have ever hoped for.
I can't wait for fall.
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