I seriously considered starting a new blog. I look back at some of my older entries and see that I've grown so much as a person since I started writing here, and I'm very different. But that's the best part! I'm going to keep this blog, and I'm going to keep posting, and I want to look back in another few years and see how much I've grown and changed all over again.
I've decided to open this space up to the people I know. They can read my mind's overflow if they feel so led. I didn't realize that I'm intriguing and deep, and sometimes profound, until someone point-blank told me. I've got stories to tell, and writing to share, but I never thought anybody cared enough to know that side of me. I'm glad she pushed me to open up. I'm glad she saw something more to me than what I let everyone see. So here it is, my world. Welcome.
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